Sunday, January 3, 2010

David Dallas | Who is This?|

So I've been doing my research on this kid David Dallas....... He is kinda dope in my opinion. Straight out of New Zealand here is a little about him.

I’ve been listening to hip hop music for pretty much as long as I can remember. First song I learnt the words to was Young MC – “Principals Office”. As a child I never had any aspirations whatsoever of being a rapper or making hip hop music – not because I didn’t like the idea, more because I didn’t think of it as something that was possible for a kid from New Zealand to do.
I spent the first 18 years of my life doing the same shit your average kid from Auckland does. Went to School, played Streetfighter, learnt kickflips, wagged sometimes, got snapped by mum, got a hiding – so on and so forth. After high school, I went to University to do a degree in Computer Science. Up until that point I recall my only goal in life being to “go to Uni”. Both my older brother and sister had gone, and from the moment my sister told me you could skip your lectures, hang out in the city and go to the arcade without anyone telling you off – I knew that it was the place I needed to be.
Whilst there I never really thought about having a career in computer programming once I was done, I think I was just magically hoping to get rich and for my whole life to fall into place. Through this whole time my appreciation of rap music had been a constant, and I’d be up on the net trying to source or find out about whatever new music was coming out. Because of this, in my last year I met a couple people who introduced me to the local hip hop scene. I saw that a couple of them were doing their thing, writing raps, djing and whatnot. I’d been getting into downloading instrumentals to do drunk freestyles over with my mates so I figured I’d try my hand at writing some stuff.
This led to me wanting to record what I’d written, so I got some cracked recording software off the net, bought myself a cheap mic and started putting stuff down. I was really fortunate that the first people I showed my recordings to were really encouraging and supportive. I’ve never been one of those extroverted ‘look at me’ type people, so had someone told me I’d sucked early on I imagine I would’ve just thought “Oh well, guess I suck” and gone and found something else to do with my time.
Within the next 6 months, Nick a.k.a FortyOne came into contact with one of my demos and liked it enough to wanna link up as he had recently started getting into production. We went on to form a duo called Frontline. We released 2 albums, a fully independent release called What You Expectand our official debut Borrowed Time via Dirty Records. During that time we toured, did music vids, had top 40 singles/album, won a music award etc … but I hate writing about that sorta shit. What I will say is I had heaps of fun and pretty much learnt from scratch about writing/recording and performing music as I went along – it’s all right there in those Frontline records.
In the time since the last Frontline record I’ve been working on my album Something Awesome and finding my feet as a solo artist. It’s a transition I’ve enjoyed and I feel more comfortable all the time with what I do and what I’m about as an artist. I just wanna make music that feels good – no more, no less. - David Dallas

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